The benefits of Invisalign for teenagers and adults considering smile straightening

At Gentle Family Dentistry and Implant Center, we know that the idea of using traditional metal bracket and wire braces to realign the smile can make patients feel self-conscious about how they look while going through treatment. Instead, we encourage patients to take the time to learn about an alternative known as Invisalign.

How does Invisalign work?

Our professionals are pleased to offer Invisalign as an alternative to more conventional treatments with metal orthodontia and appliances. Instead of this, we provide Invisalign aligner treatment. We are an Invisalign platinum provider, offering treatment for teenagers and adults seeking realignment of the dental arch. This can improve misalignment, malocclusion, and poor bite alignment. Invisalign uses clear plastic trays that are fabricated using today’s technology at the Invisalign laboratories. Digital impressions are taken of the patient’s current smile and are used to create a series of trays that are worn for two weeks at a time. As patients progress through their treatment, their smile will improve and they will feel more confidence and better self-esteem!

Why choose Invisalign?

There are many benefits to consider when thinking about undergoing Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is:

  • Affordable
  • Effective
  • Clear and discreet
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Easy to care for
  • Reliable
  • Simple to comply with

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign treatment?

We encourage patients with mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth to speak to our providers to have a thorough evaluation performed. This time spent with our doctors will ensure patients learn about the entire process and decide if they are a good candidate for this method of realignment. Patients who have more severe malocclusion may still be referred to an orthodontist for traditional treatment if Invisalign is not a good fit for their unique needs.

Call Gentle Family Dentistry and Implant Center today

If you want to learn more about Invisalign, who better to speak to than an Invisalign platinum provider in our practice! Patients can contact one of our locations in Bethlehem and Allentown, PA to discuss the benefits of this treatment and determine if they are a good candidate for this or other cosmetic and restorative solutions.

Posted in: Invisalign

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Bethlehem: 610.861.0190
Allentown: 610.861.0190

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